Humanistic-existential psychotherapy recognizes essential questions regarding the existence like " How do we live? ", " How do we relate to the world, to others and to ourselves ? ", " Why do we suffer ? ", " How do we understand our experiences, life in itself ? " or " What choices do we make ? ".
Those questions, inherent to human condition, are crucial as we build ourselves - often unconsciously - around them. However, those questions can also generate anxiety or some psychological problems.
The aim of existential psychotherapy is not to "heal" the patient but to help him becoming aware of what he does and take responsability for it. Existential therapy is not afraid of those existential issues. On the contrary, it estimates that the confrontation with those subjects is ultimately healing : facing them enables us to become the author of our life and to create an authentic, unique and meaningful life.
The keys for an healthy life are self-awareness, philosophical exploration, expansion of consciousness and acceptance of our human condition.
La psychothérapie humaniste-existentielle aide le client à s’engager dans un changement libérateur grâce à une rencontre authentique dans « l’ici et maintenant » de la séance, un accueil bienveillant et une écoute empathique.
Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez lire cet article du blog.