Expatriation / Re-entry

Thérapeute pour les expatriés et impatriés, j’accompagne les personnes traversant une transition culturelle, que ce soit une expatriation ou un retour d’expatriation. Ayant moi-même longtemps vécu à l’étranger, en Allemagne et en Asie, j’ai choisi le sujet du choc culturel inversé pour mon mémoire de recherche.

Living abroad...

Knowing the challenges of the expatriate's life, I understand the difficulties related to the distance, the loneliness, one's feeling of not being understood, the loss of status...

All changes (may it be a loss, a separation, a new job, to move to a new place...) needs a period to adjust, an internal reorganisation. This process requires a lot of energy.

And the transition to another culture is even more unconfortable as the frame of reference around you is not the one you know !

Ther is a reason why we speak of a cultural shock !

La rencontre avec une autre culture peut bouleverser, puisque nous nous trouvons face à une autre manière de voir le monde et de lui donner du sens. Cela peut entraîner remises en question, angoisses, déprime, une crise identitaire…

To be uprooted can cause pain and the expatriates may need help and someone listening. A psychotherapy can help you understand what makes you suffer, break the feeling of loneliness, express your fears or doubts. We'll explore your ressources so that you can face the challenges you meet with confidence and curiosity.

... and coming back !

It's a well-known fact that expatriation can be a sensitive period - despite the richness of the experiences. The reverse phenomena called reverse culture shock, or coming back to one's country, is less famous.

Pourtant cette période est parfois encore plus difficilement vécue que l’expatriation en elle-même !

The shock is all the more brutal as unexpected : who could have thought that "coming home" would ask so much efforts ?

In the same way as during expatriation, one has to readjust and to regain the forgotten society codes. Havong lived abroad and having discovered new way of doing things, the newly ex-expatriates have difficulties to get back to its old life.
Because the one who comes back is not the one who left. Conflicts within oneself or with others are likely to occur.

Persons coming back often claim :

  • sadness or despondency
  • demotivation
  • disengagement at school, work, with friends or about hobbies and interest
  • a critical attitude toward home culture
  • irritability
  • heightened sensitivity and strong emotions
  • frustation toward others or onself
  • focusing on the experience abroad

Those symptoms can be sign of troubles readjusting and finding one's place at home.

Chaque vécu est singulier, le vôtre aussi.
L’appui d’un psy peut vous aider à poser des mots sur vos difficultés, comprendre les raisons qui vous ont poussé à l’expatriation et/ou au retour et mobiliser vos ressources intérieures pour faire face aux défis de la transition. Pour en savoir plus sur mes outils et approches, c’est par here.

Si vous êtes expatrié, une thérapie par Skype, dans votre langue d’origine, peut vous apporter un soutien dans une période de transition.

At re-entry, support might be necessary to face this transition, which is especially overwhelming as the known and comforting suddendly becomes unknown and strange.

Contact me today for a first appointment.According to your needs, we'll find what suits you the most.